
To register to apply for vacancies with Hull Culture & Leisure and Hull City Council please enter your details below - be aware that GC email accounts with the following extensions are not compatible with this system and must not be used:

* * * * * * * * * * and *

Login details
Type in your email address
Confirm your email address
E-mail format
Select your email address type
Please type in a username for use on logging-in

The password must:

  • be between 8 and 50 characters long – Blank is not considered a valid character
  • have a minimum of 1 numeric character
  • have a minimum of 1 uppercase character
  • have a minimum of 1 lowercase character
  • have a minimum of 1 non-alphanumeric (or special character £,$,%,&)
Confirm your log-in password
My details
Type in your title
Type in your first name
Type in your last name
Additional details
Type in your date of birth in format dd/mm/yyyy. Please note it is not mandatory to complete your date of birth at this stage, however, if you complete your date of birth when you register the information will be automatically pre-populated for any subsequent applications you make.
Select your gender from list of values
Type in your national insurance number
Contact details
Enter the address Postcode
Select your address from the list displayed
Type in your address line 1
Type in your address line 2
Type in your address town
Type in your address county
Type in an evening telephone contact number (including Area code)
Type in a daytime telephone contact number (including Area Code)
Type in your mobile telephone number
Human test
Please answer the following security question. It is required to protect your data and prevent spam attacks